Tuesday 3 January 2012

Features of a volcano

There are many different features on a volcano. The main features of a volcano are the magma chamber, the vent, the throat and the crater. The magma chamber of a volcano is a large storage of magma directly below the volcano. The vent is the opening at the top of the volcano which realeases the lava flow during an eruption. The throat is the centre of a volcano that goes from the magma chamber up to the vent the lava flows up this during an eruption. The crater is the hole at the top of the volcano. Other features such as the base, the sill, the flank and the branch pipe and the layers of ash are all common on volcano's.

During an eruption you would expect to see the lava flow running down one of the sides of the mountain. You would also see the ash cloud,Volcanic ash consists of small tephra, which are bits of pulverized rock and glass which expldes out of the volcano during an eruption due to the enourmous pressure build up. The most dangerous feature of an erupting volcano is the pyroplastic flow. This is an enormous cloud of fast-moving currents of hot gas and rock (collectively known as tephra), which travel away from the volcano at speeds generally as great as 450 and temperatures of 1,000 degrees. It destroys everything in its way and produces toxic fumes.